Bling Academy

How Often Should You Do a Live Sale on Facebook?

So you understand the importance of going live, and you understand about going live on your public business page rather than your VIP group.

But how often should you do live sales? And when should you do them?

Circumstances may vary, but generally our advice would be that the more, the better – It is better to do too many live sales than not enough.

Even if your live sale only makes $20 (or makes nothing), it can still be worth it. It may gain you a future loyal customer who will make future purchases, and/or your live sale may boost engagement in your business page and VIP group.

More important than how many times you go live in a given week or month is that you go live consistently.

You could maybe start at twice per week – say, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Try to get a schedule going and stick to it as much as you can.

If you’re always going live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm, your audience will start to expect that. They won’t have to guess at when they can catch you live.

However, the times that work best for going live may vary depending on your audience.

For example, if your customer base consists primarily of young moms, then later in the evening may work better, after they’ve had a chance to put their kids to bed.

On the other hand, if your customer base is primarily elderly people, an earlier time may work better.

Try to get some feedback from your audience of what days and times work for them – You can ask around or do a poll.

You may have to spend some time experimenting until you get into a good groove.

The key is to just do it and do it regularly – You don’t have to have everything all figured out before getting started.

Be smart, yes, and plan ahead as you’re able, but don’t worry too much about when and how often to do it. If you keep at it, you’ll find a rhythm that works for you and your audience!

Do you want to send text alerts to your customers to let them know when you’re live so you can help boost your sales? Check out our website at for more details.

Sam Pelton

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