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Why You Need Goals and 3 Tips for Setting Them

If you want to make progress in almost any area of your life, goals are important.

Without goals, you will just coast through and never grow. You will never get better.

Goals give you something to aim for. Whether you reach your goals or not, the process of pursuing your goals will challenge you to work, try new things, and grow.

This concept is true in your jewelry business as well.

Do you have goals for your business? If not, don’t fret – It’s never too late to start!

Here are some tips on setting goals.

Make Your Goals Attainable

When setting a goal, it’s important to make it something that’s actually feasible and attainable.

Don’t set your next goal as “earn $1 million.” That’s not realistic. It’s not a helpful next-step goal because it’s too long-term and you will likely grow discouraged.

What you could do instead is have a long-term goal, such as earning $1 million, and then break it up into smaller, more attainable goals.

For example, the over-arching goal of earning $1 million dollars could be broken up into:

You can even break it up into daily, simple goals such as:

Having smaller, more attainable goals gives you momentum and helps you not to feel discouraged. The more goals you knock out, the more motivated you become to keep at it so that you can reach your more long-term goals!

Set a Timeframe for Your Goals

Goals are not helpful unless there is a timeframe associated with them.

This is another reason why “earn $1 million” is not a good goal. If you really wanted your goal to be to earn $1 million, you should designate a realistic timeframe for when you would like this to happen (i.e. “Have a million-dollar business in 10 years”).

The same goes for your shorter-term goals. Notice that the examples in the previous section had time limits attached to them: “each week, each month, today.” You may even want to get more specific and set a broader timeframe for when you’ll reevaluate these goals: i.e. “Add 2 new customers each week for 3 months.”

Adding a timeframe gives you a deadline so you can have greater motivation to meet your goal. Having a general goal with no end in sight doesn’t put as much pressure on you to get it done, and sometimes we may need this pressure!

Write Down Your Goals

It may be a good idea for you to write down your goals and revisit them every once in a while.

You may find that the goals you’ve set are too easy and you need to challenge yourself a bit more. Or you may find that your expectations were too high and you need to pull back.

You may also find that what was once important to you isn’t so much anymore. That’s okay! People change, circumstances change, and priorities change.

So write down both your long-term and short-term goals or put them in a document somewhere that you can easily access it. Come back to your list every once in a while to evaluate what you’ve accomplished and decide if anything needs to be adjusted.

If you haven’t been establishing and writing down goals for your business, now is the time to start! If you do have some set goals, take some time to evaluate them and decide if they’re clear, measurable, attainable, and something you still care about.

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